I decided to try to jazz up a new "earth friendly" shopping tote that I picked up for 99 cents this week. My intention was to use it as Malia's soccer bag for toting the ball, water bottle, camera, snacks, etc. We were using one from IKEA, but it was super tall, my arm could barely reach the bottom, and it is made out of tarp-like plastic that is really noisy and crinkly. I felt like everyone could hear me each time I got something out of the bag!
So.......here is the before:

And here is the after:

I had an audience (Alex & Malia) while i was sewing - had a couple of little mishaps, but overall it came out pretty good and was easy (except for when I accidentally sewed the bottom into the side - then tore a little hole in the bag trying to get the super-tight-stitches out).

Here she is with her new bag. She picked out the fabric from some different ones I picked up. I actually bought 2 different ones with her in mind, but she chose this one. I was shocked - there is NO PINK!

Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend!