Happy Saturday!
I have to admit, I am not a great blogger! I do apologize.......We have 2 computers, both with issues. Our newest computer (the laptop) now has a broken LCD screen, so I can only see half of it. I never realized how important the WHOLE screen is while you are working, uploading pictures....anything. There are s
o many important "buttons" down there, and now it takes for ever to hunt around in the blackness to hit the right one. Ugh. Apparently the cost to repair the screen is not worth it, so looks like we may be buying a new one. With a baby coming next month, its not *really* what we need to be spending money on.

Okay, now I'm typing in the blackness and cannot see what I'm typing.
I wanted to share these pictures from TAMMY TUTTEROW. I love her work!! She is a designer for Pink Paislee. I love their products too! www.pinkpaislee.com Aren't they fun??? If I wasn't so tired at this stage of pregnancy, I' try to make one or both!
Bye for now~
Okay, Gtta run~